Coffee mate Creamer Lock-Top: Update & New Offerings
Posted by Sean H. on 1/19/2024 to
New Products
Good news friends: Our first batch of Lock-Tops sold quickly and we are in the process of making more! In an effort to make these more affordable, we are offering a slightly redesigned version with an open top.
(2) Comments
Coffee mate Creamer Lock-Top: It was all tongue-and-cheek until...
Posted by Sean H. on 11/29/2023 to
New Products
Let's give this Lock-Top a chance to make a difference in an indifferent world full of creamer theft. Check out the details of our limited time offer in this latest blog post!
Humble Beginnings
Posted by Sean H. on 11/3/2021 to
I have been saying that I will do this for years now. It's long overdue. Finally, I am getting the Hidgit venture off the ground. What is this going to be all about you ask? This first blog post will answer that and more. So let's dive in.
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